Meet Truffle: G Caffe’s Mascot
Do you need animal mascot ideas? You may even ask if animals can be mascots! Well, before you go ahead in any direction, think of adopting a pet.
National Pet Day is observed on April 11 in many countries. It is a day to celebrate the joy pets bring us and conveys the message of adopting pets. It lays focus on the motto ‘Don’t shop! Adopt!’
The love we receive from our pets is often therapeutic. Owning pets is associated with a variety of health benefits as well. They help to reduce stress and improve mental health. Pets are also valuable companions to small children and old people.
At G Caffe creative agency, we are honoured to have Truffle – the pet dog of our CEO Geetanjali Kaul – as our mascot. Truffle is a gentle and affectionate golden retriever with a sparkling gold coat.
Truffle is what our company stands for – loyalty and elegance. He does not only bring joy and positivity to the office; he is our lucky charm.
Geetanjali Kaul recalls that when G Caffe’s office was located inside her house, Truffle used to follow her everywhere. She says, “He loves to be in human company and slowly he adapted to all the other team members. The team then decided to make him the mascot.”

Today, G Caffe aims to spread awareness about pets and the love they deserve through our mascot. The gentle and sweet Truffle is the impetus behind the establishment of G Caffe as a creative agency.
A mascot is any human, animal, or object thought to bring luck, or anything used to represent a group with a common public identity.
Our Vice President Neeraj Bhushan echoes Geetanjali Kaul’s sentiments. “Truffle is our lucky charm. We started off as a content platform, but G Caffe turned into a creative agency when Truffle joined us.”

Truffle brings positive vibes to G Caffe office, and just looking at him melts our hearts. He has filled our lives with immense joy and felicity – a true mascot that he is.